Canyon Country Homes for Sale
Canyon Country, CA:
Homes Currently On the Market in Canyon Country
See the most recent listings of Canyon Country homes for sale. Located at the north and east ends of Santa Clarita, Canyon Country is a popular choice, especially for first time home buyers. In fact, if specifically interested in finding homes without an HOA or a Mello Roos tax, you will have a much better chance here in Canyon Country, than say, Valencia.
See below more general information about the community and location map and of course, listings of Canyon Country homes for sale.
Canyon Country Homes & Community
If searching Canyon Country homes for sale, you'll also need to know something about the homes and the community.
First, there are a wide variety of homes available, some even priced under $300,000! There are also some amazing custom luxury homes and ranch style properties, and plenty of homes in between. If interested in upscale homes, try Robinson Ranch in Sand Canyon. Want low priced condo, look at the Canyon Country Condominiums or American Beauty Condos.
If you're searching Canyon Country homes for sale and planning to buy a home in the area, we can help. Visit our team page to choose a realtor or contact us and we'll have an agent get back to you.

Canyon Country Shopping, Dining & Schools
While searching Canyon Country homes you'll also want to know about local conveniences and schools! The older teens attend Golden Valley or Canyon High Schools. The main junior high is Sierra Vista and as usual, there are plenty of elementary schools for the grade school children. Attendance for all schools is based on where you reside and the district provides this helpful attendance boundary map for your use.
You'll find plenty of local convenience shopping and dining throughout all of Canyon Country and there really is no need to leave the area to shop or dine. There are beautiful parks, trails, boys and girls club and a ton of activities for the kids.
If you're on this page, it's likely you're house hunting. We wish you luck with your search of Canyon Country homes for sale and we're always here for you when needed.